Authorized Teachers
Below is a list of Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen’s (Lama Mark Webber’s) students that are authorized to teach and who offer regular classes in BC.
Gisele Sabourin
Gisele Sabourin Gisele Sabourin has been studying Buddha Dharma for over 45 years, starting with Namgyal Rinpoche, her root guru. For the last 25 years has been studying with Lama Mark Webber and been in retreat under his direction. She has also been fortunate in receiving many teachings and empowerments from the Ven. Thrangu Rinpoche, Garchen Rinpoche, Ayang Rinpoche, and most recently from Lho Ontul Rinpoche.
Gisele has been a member of Crystal Mountain Society for decades. She is a board member, and also supports the activities of the organization, including the running of summer retreats. Gisele has been leading sadhana practice sessions since 2015. She and her husband moved to Galiano in 2018 and built a home on the north end of the island near Crystal Mountain.
Susan van Asselt
Susan van Asselt is an authorized teacher of the Dharma, and moved to Galiano Island in 2019 to devote as much of her time as possible to its study and practice. In 2019-2020, she completed a 41/2-month individual retreat, under the guidance of her teacher Lama Mark Webber (Lama Yongdu Chokyi Gyaltsen), where she studied and practiced a cycle of teachings called the Utterly Profound Meaning of the Holy Dharma (a treasure teaching revealed by Nuden Dorje in the 1800’s). She has studied with Lama Mark since 2003 and has been in retreat many times, studying and practicing many other texts that she has received. She holds a Masters in Applied Behavioural Science and teaches by invitation to all who request teachings.
Cheryl Fraser
Bowen Island – Dharma Group
Cheryl Fraser Ph.D has been studying Buddha Dharma for 20 years and teaching for 10. She studies and practices within the Tibetan Vajrayana and Theravada Vipassana schools and teaches in the Namgyal lineage tradition. Her root teachers are the Venerable Namgyal Rinpoche and Lama Mark Webber. She also studies with Ontul Rinpoche in the Drikung form and with Phillip Moffit from Spirit Rock.
Cheryl is a registered clinical psychologist in private practice specializing in couples. She writes the meditation and relationships column for Mindful magazine. In her writing and teaching she draws extensively from Western science and psychology, applying even the more complex teachings of Buddha Dharma and meditation to “real life.”
For information on current classes click here.
Helen Foster
Helen Foster is a meditation and dharma teacher who has practiced for over 45 years, and has been given instruction to teach by her root teacher Lama Mark Webber. Her studies have been centred on the classical foundations of Buddhadharma, including deep retreats in Abhidhamma, Vajrayogini, Mahamudra, Ngondro and multiple other Vajayana practices of the Karma Kagyu lineage.
She has studied with The Venerable Tensing Dorje Namgyal Rinpoche, and more recently the Drikung Kagyu teachings of H. E. Lho Ontul Rinpoche.
Helen has been on the board of Crystal Mountain Society for the last two decades. She currently leads a study and meditation group at Pema Tamdrin Ling.
Laurel Jacobson
Jamie van Dam
Jamie van Dam has been studying Buddha Dharma with Lama Mark Webber since 2001 and had the good fortune to also study with the Lama’s root teacher, the late Ven. Namgyal Rinpoche. During that time Jamie received the novice ordination from Rinpoche, which Jamie practiced and held for a number of years. Jamie was the Lama’s principal attendant for five years, during which he organized and handled the Lama’s personal meals, travel, accommodation as well as helped organize international retreats and teachings. Since that time, Jamie has periodically assisted the Lama in his scientific research and taught Awareness Through Movement (ATM) classes during retreats.
Jamie has completed numerous short and long term retreats both self-directed and under the guidance of the Lama including a five-month personal retreat, a five-month Ngöndro and Insight retreat, a four-month Abhidhamma and Insight retreat, and a three-month Vajra Yogini retreat.
Jamie is a graduate of the 2007 Victoria Feldenkrais Teacher Training where he studied with many well respected Feldenkrais trainers; Jeff Haller, Jerry Karzen, Beatriz Walterspiel, Alan Questel, Katrin Smithback and Bonnie Humiston. Under their guidance he completed the 800 hour training program which focused primarily on discovering awareness; the principles & strategies of learning; the self image & its development and functional, developmental & structural types of movements.
Jamie’s teaching style emphasises a patient attentiveness with humour and understanding helping uncover natural wholesome ways of being.
For information on current classes click https://www.
Regular Classes in BC
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Currently no classes are scheduled.