2022 Spring Retreat

Crystal Mountain - A Society for Eastern and Western Studies in cooperation with Namgyal Yangzab Buddhist Community of Canada - NYBCC announces
A Two-Month Series of Teachings and Retreat on

Je Gampopa’s The Jewel Ornament of Liberation
A Commentary and Retreat Guidance by
Dates: Two Months of Online Classes or 3 Months of Solo Retreat Staring on March 5th
- In-person classes on Galiano Island
- In person solo retreat for up to 3 months with or without classes.
- Online Classes

The classes can be attended in-person, by zoom, or as part of a solo retreat on Galiano Island. In person classes will be held at Namgyal Choling. Solo in person retreat on Galiano Island supported by Lama Mark for up to three months is also available with or without attending classes. For the in person option, full vaccination is required and current provincial Covid protocols will be followed.
For more information or to register for any in-person options please email Barbara Shields: kutenaiwellness@gmail.com
For more information on the online classes please email Eva Gohl: eva.gohl@bluewin.ch
Lama Mark Webber will give a survey of Je Gampopa’s famous Jewel Ornament of Liberation, thereby giving out contemplations, meditations and life advice. This is designed as a practical retreat course. Gampopa’s text is one of the great masterpieces of the entire Mahayana path; clear, precise and liberating no matter which century we live in.
Those who want to attend in person retreat will have support and direction from Lama Mark. Housing options are limited so inquire early to get details if this interests you.
Texts used are:
- Je Gampopa’s Jewel Ornament of Liberation, translated by Khenpo Gyaltsen Rinpoche, Snow Lion Publications, 1998.
- The Precious Garland of the Sublime Path by Je Gampopa, translated by Erik Pema Kunsang, is available at the start of the retreat on the Lama Mark Webber website.
- Gongchig, the Single Intent, Jigten Sumgon, Otter Verlag, ISBN 13: 9783933529282.
Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen, in the early 1980’s while on a three-month retreat, was very fortunate to receive detailed teachings and guidance on Gampopa’s entire text by the Venerable Namgyal Rinpoche. More information may be found here>>